Tarot Readings

A conversation in front of the mirror.

At KO·AN your tarot reading will be focused on the present, without prediction or divination. They are done online, through ZOOM.

Learn about the different readings I have available:

tarot readings

Frequent questions

Can you predict the future with tarot reading?

I don't predict the future. For me, tarot is a tool to obtain information, cultivate intuition, support decision making and, above all, develop self-awareness.

What are tarot readings like at KO·AN?

In your consultation we will explore the cards and I will interpret them based on my intuition; The central idea will be to identify potential currents and paths , it will be up to you to decide; because our lives change constantly and nothing is final.

Do you do in-person readings?

All readings are done live, via ZOOM . You choose the day and time according to the availability of my agenda. The duration and price depend on the number of cards to be interpreted.